Opening the Heart

Opening the Heart
Photo by Andrea Turner

Monday, January 17, 2011


So I'm still on a high from the weekend with Amy & Christina (along with all my other yoga friends)! Even though I couldn't make all the sessions, I enjoyed both Saturday and Sunday mornings immensely. It was great energy and self esteem work, not to mention just a bad ass practice! I did finally get my feet to touch my head in Rajakapotasona which I'm hoping to see a picture of on Christina's blog soon!

These practices were pretty intense and it got me thinking, especially after I followed the weekend up with a Charlie Pivert practice at noon today. I'm still going through the Sutras and I've arrived at the discussion on the importance of abhyasa (practice). It sort of goes along with the Anusara "A" of action. Sure you can set intentions and study the theory, alignment, etc., but nothing really happens until you actually DO something. Today is MLK day and my friends were quoting him a lot today. And there were great intentions behind those quotes as well as plans to see them through. But what if nobody actually did anything?

So as I tend to procrastinate sometimes, I decided to stop and get my blog entry in today. Now I'm going to teach and get some work done for my other job tonight. As Amy said in our workshop, I'm going to keep cleaning out drawers which in turn should continue to elevate my self-esteem. I hope to see you in practice soon!

Monday, January 10, 2011

inner brightness

So I've decided to go through the Sutras again this year, this time really focusing on each one as a class. After reminding myself of the purpose of yoga, I have now gotten to the reasons for stilling the mind. We still the mind to rediscover our true nature. And yet, what tends to happen is that all the fluctuations of the mind cloud this nature and make us believe we are the clouds instead of the light beneath.

Such a nice thought as I stumble through my cloudy and cold day today. I often guiltily dwell in my thoughts, ruminating until I can't take it anymore (or my friends can't take it=) I start believing every little thing that comes to mind and then I steep in the cloudiness. So after reading those sutras, I am reminded to be attentive, not to the fluctuations of the mind, but my light within. It's warming on this freezing cold day...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's 2011! Can you believe it? I believe it today as I struggled to get out of bed to go back to work. It was a little sad to leave my vacation time behind but I am looking forward to this new year. So many possibilities...

I started the year as I did last year - a class with my good friend, Jeremiah. It was fun because I actually formally met him and took his class for the first time a year ago. Now to see how far we've we're friends who actually spent new years eve together! Along with some other new friends I've made this year. I'm so grateful to have met them.

Then I spent Sunday practicing with my very first Anusara teacher, Mark, who was back in town for the holidays. It was fun to enjoy his familiar teaching along with all the new Iyengar tips he's picked up. It was also fun to reflect on how far I've come since that first class with him.

So in all, it has been a weekend of joyful reflection. I am starting my way through the sutras again this year and with the first verse "Here, now, is the teaching of yoga" I am inspired. I have enjoyed the reflection and intention setting but am also currently rooted in the present. Happy new year to you all. Thank you so much for being a part of my life!