If I had a nickel for every time I heard that in fourth grade...or in yoga! Actually I probably don't hear it as much as the phrase is actually thought. And I am guilty as well. As I said before, my practice is waning a bit and when I went to practice on Sunday, I know I was concerned that I might feel this way. And while I may have noticed a bit harder breathing, I found I still can.
Why do we say this to ourselves (or others)? Sure sometimes it may be physically true. But really, there are philosophers out there that think that isn't even true. I had a friend once tell me that the only reason we age and die is because we believe there is no other way. We "can't" keep it from happening.
As I learn more about the Anusara method, I find out more about what I can and cannot do. I also find more and more that truth is in our hearts. And that truth is our intrinsic goodness. That truth is our desire. Chit ananda or supreme consciousness. And the more we stop saying "can't" about this truth, goodness, desire, the closer we get to it.
So can you?
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