Opening the Heart

Opening the Heart
Photo by Andrea Turner

Monday, November 15, 2010


We all know what it means to yield when we drive. Wait, this is Austin...okay most of us know=) Anyways, when I looked this word up their were several definitions. The first-inclined to give in; submissive; compliant-didn't sound so good to me. I'm definitely someone who likes things her own way and will fight for those ways when I can. But the second definition spoke to me more-tending to give way, esp. under pressure, flexible, supple, pliable. In Anusara terms, open to grace.

I work really hard in my practice, in my job, etc. and sometimes it hardens me. I try so hard that I fall hard and wear myself out. A fellow practitioner in my class Sunday mentioned a similar feeling while she was practicing. She said "this pose is easy if you just do it but it's hard if you make it hard". I also see my fourth graders headed in that direction. I had a boy in hysterical wails last week because he had not yet mastered his multiplication and division. Yet today when he relaxed or "yielded" a bit, he did it perfectly.

That's not so say we shouldn't try hard. But first we must yield a bit in order to open up. In terms of asana, we are working on twisting tonight and in this very case, if you keep cranking yourself open, the other side of your body will harden in protest. So you must yield a bit to go deeper.

I look forward to seeing you all in class or wherever we cross paths!

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